
48 results

Bulgaria attemps to resurrect Belene NPP project once again

Bulgaria attemps to resurrect Belene NPP project once again

The new return to the abandoned project backed by Russia revives old concerns and stirs old controversies

Fast reads

Fast reads

The end of the Council of EU Presidency, the cabinet is already shaking, Desislava Ivancheva, the Bulgarian judiciary

The Mayor with Luminescent Hands

The Mayor with Luminescent Hands

Desislava Ivancheva rose to fame as an anti-status quo mayor of a Sofia district and fell in the first publicity stunt of the newest institution supposed to fight high-level graft in Bulgaria

Five Years After

Five Years After

Bulgaria’s will to protest might seem exhausted in the years following the summer of 2013, but dissatisfaction with the country’s politics still simmers

Is it really greens vs business in Bansko?

Is it really greens vs business in Bansko?

The possibility of Bansko ski zone expansion into the Pirin National Park sparked nation-wide protests, international public scandals and inter-institutional bickering, revealing the degree to which the Bulgarians state is captured by private interests

No immediate threats loom on the horizont

No immediate threats loom on the horizont

But social discontent from increasing social inequality could erode the support for ruling coalition in the mid to long term

News Brief

News Brief

Exotic coalitions could emerge after upcoming snap vote

Exotic coalitions could emerge after upcoming snap vote

The fragmentation of Bulgarian party politics makes it very difficult to pursue a coherent reform program